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How does it help?


Apart from being extremely relaxing and a generally pleasant experience, CST aids the body to self heal. After trauma, stress, illness, surgery, postural changes due to daily activities and the birthing process can all lead to restrictions within the tissues. These restrictions can impact on the membranes of the CranioSacral System and impedes the flow of cerebrospinal fluid. With the flow cerebrospinal fluid being encumbered, the amount of nutrients is decreased and the amount of waste products and toxins is increased in the circulating cerebrospinal fluid. A CranioSacral session corrects the restrictions within the tissues and the CranioSacral System. With these restrictions being alleviated, the cerebrospinal fluid is now free flowing and unencumbered, resulting in an increase in the supply of nutrients and assisting in the removal of toxins and waste products. The outcome for the client is their general well-being improves. 

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