How many sessions will I need for my ________ problem?
Each person is individual therefore there is no treatment plan for each condition. The amount of sessions will depend upon how long the person has had the issue, their age, any health issues and their willingness to heal. Frequency of treatment is entirely up to the client, each individual responds differently to a session and the time to process between treatments varies from client to client. Generally changes in the tissues can continue for up to forty eight hours after treatment and in some occasions more.
Restrictions in the tissues are usually resolved because of the tissues memory which allows the tissues to return to their intended state before the restrictions occurred. If before the end of the treatment session there is not a complete release in the tissues, they will remain the same until the next session unless the client does something to injure them.
A client who is prone to repetitive strain for example work related strains or habit forming strains will require future treatments for the same ailment because these strains will recur unless the habit is broken they will continue to reoccur.