What is CST?
Craniosacral Therapy is a gentle hands-on non-invasive therapy, which is suitable for any age group. It releases tension that is held deep within the body, this in turn aids in alleviating pain and abnormalities within the tissues. The results are improvement in whole body health and performance. Treatment can assist any condition, improve vitality and enhance the body’s natural ability for self repair. The body’s tissues have memory, Craniosacral Therapy encourages the tissue memory to aid the body to self heal and re-align itself. The body’s self healing mechanism is the system to which the body responds to everyday bumps and bruises. A session can be extremely relaxing and a positively pleasurable experience whilst aiding recovery.
How Craniosacral Therapy works is that the Craniosacral Therapist follows a rhythm, this rhythm is different from the rhythm of breathing or heart rate, this rhythm is known as the Craniosacral Rhythm. The Craniosacral Rhythm is produced from the of fluids changes within the dural membranes of the brain and spinal cord. This results in movement within these membranes of the Craniosacral System.
The function of Craniosacral System is to provide lubrication and nutrition to the brain and Central Nervous System. It affects every system within the body but has a strong influence over the nervous, endocrine and immune system, any anomalies within these systems or the Craniosacral System results in total body effect. Craniosacral Therapy increases circulation therefore resulting in improved the performance of the Central Nervous System. Muscles relax, circulation improves and pain and swelling are reduced when the Central Nervous System is performing well. When the Central Nervous System is performing efficiently then so is the body performing efficiently, food metabolism improves, immune system performs effectively to avert and combat infections and diseases, blood and hormone concentrations are stable.
During a craniosacral session the therapist monitors the Craniosacral Rhythm and assesses it for anomalies. By correcting restrictions within the Craniosacral System restores the normal motion and course of the Craniosacral Rhythm.
Craniosacral Therapy is not a cure or a replacement for General Medicine, it can be used along with other treatments or as a treatment by itself.